python 获取屏幕快照_如何获取Windows登录屏幕的屏幕快照:2个怪异技巧-程序员宅基地

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python 获取屏幕快照

python 获取屏幕快照


There are ways to run a screen capture utility – or any other program – from the welcome screen. Windows doesn’t make this easy, but it’s possible. The logon screen runs on the Winlogon desktop, an isolated Windows desktop.

有多种方法可以从欢迎屏幕运行屏幕捕获实用程序或任何其他程序。 Windows并不容易,但是有可能。 登录屏幕在Winlogon桌面(隔离的Windows桌面)上运行。

Whether you’ve set a custom logon screen background and want to show it off, need a screenshot for your tutorial, or want to capture an error message, any of these methods will work for you.

无论您是设置自定义的登录屏幕背景 ,还是想要炫耀它,为教程需要屏幕截图,还是想捕获错误消息,这些方法中的任何一种都可以为您服务。

在Winlogon桌面上启动程序 (Launch Programs on the Winlogon Desktop)

We can launch other programs on the Winlogon desktop with the PsExec command, available on Microsoft’s website. The PsExec command is part of the Sysinternals suite of utilities.

我们可以使用Microsoft网站上的PsExec命令在Winlogon桌面上启动其他程序。 PsExec命令是Sysinternals实用程序套件的一部分。

After downloading the PSTools package, place the PsExec.exe command into your path – for example, in the C:\Windows\System32 directory.

下载PSTools软件包后,将PsExec.exe命令放入路径中,例如,在C:\ Windows \ System32目录中。


Next, launch a Command Prompt as administrator by right-clicking the Command Prompt shortcut and selecting Run as administrator.



From the administrator Command Prompt, run the following command to launch a command prompt window on the Winlogon desktop:


psexec -sx cmd.exe

psexec -sx cmd.exe

The s option tells psexec to launch the process as the system user account, while the x has it launch the process on the local Winlogon desktop.



Lock the screen with WinKey+L and press Alt-Tab to reveal the Command Prompt running on the Winlogon desktop. You’ll also see the command prompt if you press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Alt-Tab on the Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen, which also runs on the Winlogon desktop.

使用WinKey + L锁定屏幕,然后按Alt-Tab键显示Winlogon桌面上运行的命令提示符。 如果您同时在Winlogon桌面上运行Ctrl-Alt-Delete屏幕上按Ctrl-Alt-Delete和Alt-Tab,也会看到命令提示符。


Use the Command Prompt to launch screenshot utilities and other applications on the secure desktop.


劫持轻松访问按钮 (Hijack the Ease of Access Button)

Windows displays an Ease of Access button at the bottom left corner of the login screen. When clicked, this button opens the Utilman.exe program, allowing you to start accessibility utilities from the login screen. You can actually replace the Utilman.exe file with another EXE file – like a screenshot utility – to easily take a screenshot of the login screen.

Windows在登录屏幕的左下角显示一个“轻松访问”按钮。 单击后,此按钮将打开Utilman.exe程序,使您可以从登录屏幕启动辅助功能实用程序。 实际上,您可以将Utilman.exe文件替换为另一个EXE文件(如屏幕截图实用程序),以轻松获取登录屏幕的屏幕截图。

You’ll find the Utilman.exe file in the %WINDIR%\System32 directory, which is C:\Windows\System32 by default.

您可以在%WINDIR%\ System32目录中找到Utilman.exe文件,该目录默认为C:\ Windows \ System32。


We’ll need to rename the Utilman.exe file so we can replace it with another EXE file, but we can’t rename it until we take ownership of it. To take ownership of this file, right-click it and open its Properties window.

我们需要重命名Utilman.exe文件,以便可以将其替换为另一个EXE文件,但是直到获得所有权后才能重命名。 要获得此文件的所有权,请右键单击它,然后打开其“属性”窗口。


Select the Security tab in the Properties window and click the Advanced button to access its advanced settings.



Select the Owner tab in the Advanced Security Settings window and click the Edit button. I’ve already taken ownership of the file here – by default, it’s owned by TrustedInstaller.

在“高级安全设置”窗口中选择“所有者”选项卡,然后单击“编辑”按钮。 我已经在这里拥有了文件的所有权–默认情况下,它是由TrustedInstaller拥有的。


Select your administrator account and click OK to take ownership.



After you’ve taken ownership of the file, you can rename it to something like Utilman_backup.exe



You’ll need a screenshot utility to put in Utilman.exe’s place. I tested Win 7 Logon Screen Capture, which worked well. Put the file in Utilman.exe’s place.

您将需要一个屏幕截图实用程序来放置Utilman.exe的位置。 我测试了Win 7登录屏幕捕获,效果很好。 将文件放在Utilman.exe的位置。


After it’s installed, go back to the logon screen (WinKey+L) and click the Utilman.exe file to take your screenshot. Clicking the button will bring up a save dialog if you’re using Win 7 Logon Screen Capture.

安装完成后,返回登录屏幕(WinKey + L)并单击Utilman.exe文件以截取屏幕截图。 如果您使用的是Win 7 Logon Screen Capture,则单击该按钮将弹出一个保存对话框。


使用虚拟机 (Use a Virtual Machine)

Most screenshots of the Windows logon screen you see online were taken using virtual machine software. This is the simplest way to take these screenshots, as the virtual machine software displays the guest operating system’s logon screen in a window on your desktop.

您在线看到的Windows登录屏幕的大多数屏幕截图是使用虚拟机软件拍摄的。 这是获取这些屏幕截图的最简单方法,因为虚拟机软件会在桌面上的窗口中显示来宾操作系统的登录屏幕。

To get started with virtual machines, check out our list of articles for learning virtual machines.



python 获取屏幕快照

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