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Windows users have the ability to hide the Taskbar, but the menu bar on macOS is a constant presence. This isn’t necessarily bad because the menu bar doesn’t really take up that much room. If you want to hide it, however, you now can.

Windows用户可以隐藏任务栏,但是macOS上的菜单栏一直存在。 这并不一定很糟糕,因为菜单栏实际上并不会占用那么多空间。 但是,如果要隐藏它,则可以。

The menu bar is quite versatile. You can add new controls to it, access further options using the “Option” key, and even move menu bar icons around by holding down the “Command” key.

菜单栏用途广泛。 您可以向其中添加新控件使用“ Option”键访问其他选项 ,甚至可以通过按住“ Command”键来移动菜单栏图标。

This feature was added in Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, which added quite a few great new features. One of these new features, which hasn’t gotten a lot of coverage is the ability to hide and show the menu bar, a mainstay not just in OS X, but Macs in general dating back to the earliest versions of the Mac System.

Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan中添加了此功能,其中添加了许多很棒的新功能。 这些新功能之一(没有广泛涉及)是隐藏和显示菜单栏的功能,它不仅在OS X中是主流,而且在Mac上一般可以追溯到Mac System的最早版本。

Windows users have been able to auto-hide the taskbar since Windows 95, Mac users have not.
自Windows 95以来,Windows用户就可以自动隐藏任务栏,而Mac用户则不能。

The thing is though, the menu bar always remains no matter what you’re doing on your Mac (unless you’re viewing a video full screen or playing a game). While it doesn’t necessarily take up a ton of vertical space, it would be nice if you could have it all, which you now can.

事实是,无论您在Mac上做什么,菜单栏始终保持不变(除非您正在全屏观看视频或玩游戏)。 虽然不一定要占用大量的垂直空间,但如果您拥有全部,那就太好了,现在可以了。

In order to automatically hide and show the menu bar, you will first need to open your Mac’s System Preferences and click on the “General” settings. Not a whole lot has changed since Yosemite, but there is the addition of a new feature right below the dark menu bar option.

为了自动隐藏和显示菜单栏,您首先需要打开Mac的系统偏好设置,然后单击“常规”设置。 自从优胜美地以来,并没有太大的改变,但是暗菜单栏选项的正下方增加了一个新功能。

This new option “Automatically hide and show the menu bar”, when checked, will do just as it says.


The new option, which is found under the dark menu option, is pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.

So, check the box and you’ll see that the menu bar immediately retreats into the top of the screen.


The top of our screen on our Mac, sans the menu bar.

In order to get it back, you simply need to move your pointer to the top screen edge and it will magically reappear. Move you mouse pointer away and the menu bar will again disappear. If you don’t like this feature, then simply go back into the General settings and uncheck the box.

为了找回它,您只需要将指针移到屏幕顶部,它就会神奇地重新出现。 将鼠标指针移开,菜单栏将再次消失。 如果您不喜欢此功能,则只需返回“常规”设置,然后取消选中该框即可。

We hope you found this information useful. If you have anything you would like to add, such as a comment or a question, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您发现此信息有用。 如果您有任何要添加的内容,例如评论或问题,请将您的反馈意见保留在我们的论坛中。



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